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Play Group

We're excited to meet your toddler!

Play-Group and Pre-Nursery classes cater to children between 18 to 35 months. At British International we follow an integrated curriculum that follows a play and study structure. A unique Home-Away-From-Home environment is provided to the pupils of this group to feel comfortable and confident in a secure space enabling them to play and explore in conjunction or independently based on the child's requirement. With the perfect balance between teaching and guiding you will see your child thrive in their early years and be willing to take on the challenges of school life.

Play-Group & Pre-Nursery 

Sensory time

Why We're Great >

Glitter Slime

Sensory play includes activities created by our teachers for your little ones. This activities 

stimulates your young child's senses: touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight and hearing. Furthermore, our goal is to encourage sensory activities that facilitate exploration and naturally encourage children to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore

Sand play

Why We're Great >


Sand play is an essential part of our pre-school program. Sand play is known to promote hands-on learning and is easily one of the most sought after times by our young learners. Our children at British International Pre-School find this segment of the curriculum most intriguing. This time also provides great opportunities for sensory play, which is essential for healthy child development

Water play

Why We're Great >

Water color paints

Paint with water; Wash the toys, Take a dip into the Kiddie Pool are just few of the water related activities your child will enjoy during his day at British International Pre-School. Water play is considered extremely important for early childhood learning as it is considered to have several benefits, a few being; Developing Motor Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Science and Mathematical Learning and Social-Emotional Growth.

Story time

Why We're Great >

Story Time

Story time is when our teachers will engage with your child in the best possible way during story time. Story time is not just a story being read from a story book, this method requires the story teller to grab the child attention and have them constantly engage in the process until the end of the story. Our highly enthusiastic early years educators know how to do this the best. This time helps your child get to know sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills

Creative Time

Why We're Great >

Paper Leaves Cutouts

Our Pre-schoolers take the lead during Creative Time we provide them with the time, space and material and allow their creativity to lead their actions. By being actively involved we help develop your child's skills and understanding. Arts & Crafts are a big part of creative time at BIS. We believe its good to demonstrate to your child that there’s more than one way to be create an a design or object something. This lets children know they can develop their own ideas.

Music Time

Why We're Great >


Dance and Music! Another essential part of out Play-school curriculum. We have witnessed how this activity becomes a confidence booster for young children. Our Teachers will get us and jump around with your toddler and slowly guide your child recognize the different body parts that we move; "our hands are up in the air" "our feet are stomping the ground". Dance quickly becomes a learning activity while being fun as ever!

Starting at 36 months, children can be enrolled into the Nursery. We follow a unique curriculum of weekly threads; weaved with inquiry based learning & creative expression. The preschool syllabus is based on age and development of children. It is a blend of individual and group activities, play and learning and child centered and teacher initiated activities. 


The progression from Nursery takes the child to Reception Level. At this level the child is equipped with knowledge that will help them easily transition to iPrimary. Learn more about Year N & Year R here.

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